You are currently viewing 28 Apr 1882 – At the Art Museum – part 2
JOHN WORRALL KEELY, c1895. John Worrall Keely and the Keely Motor. The most celebrated perpetual motion machine fraud of the 19th century.

28 Apr 1882 – At the Art Museum – part 2

The crowd was rapt in awe. The machine was glowing with it’s shiny brass balls that spun around and made a bright, almost bell-like noise. The audience particularly liked it when, on command of a note blown on a harmonica, one of the balls leaped in to the air.

“… and when this ball leaps into the air, as it just did, the luminiferous etheric force potential of the vibratory engine is increased ten fold. Thus allowing the engine to disintegrate the effects of the negative feedback loop that had, earlier in the demonstration, created a triune negative harmonic field in the pulsating dissipation flask…”

The crowd gasped when the ball landed in the little cup on the engine.

Bertie smiled. “That looks like my ball and cup game,”Bertie whispered to Dawsey.

“Mine too.”

Bertie and Dawsey felt a hand on their shoulder. “Both of you should be quiet. If you listen, Mr. Keely might explain what is happening,” said Mr. Binns.

“… the etheric energy is then transferred from the dissipation flask to the energy conversion orb on the vibratory engine where the energy is converted from potential energy to kinetic energy via this rotating spindle…”

“That did not help much,” said Dawsey.

“No, it did not,” said Bertie.

The two boys felt a hand on their shoulder again. “If you two cannot keep quiet, we will have to leave.”

“Yes Papa,” said Dawsey.

“Yes Mr. Binns,” said Bertie.

“… the etheric transfer gage must be closely monitored because the converted energy could easily overwhelm the vibratory engine if left un-checked. However, the vibratory engine is currently working well within allowable tolerances. But if there were a problem, I would take this mallet and hit this chime which would then disrupt the etheric force potential field, thereby causing the engine to stop…”

Bertie turned to Mr. Binns. “I have to go to the loo.”

“What,” said Mr. Binns who was annoyed.

“I have to pee.”

“Yes, I know. It is over there in the corner.” Mr. Binns pointed.

Bertie got up and headed to the bathroom. As he was going in the door to the bathroom he noticed a couple of large potted plants with a man standing behind them. Bertie went into the bathroom. When he came out he could see that the man behind the plants was holding a couple of levers.

Ding Ding! Bertie saw the man behind the plants lower one of the levers. Then he heard the audience applaud. Bertie rushed back to his seat.

“What just happened,” Bertie asked.

“Mr. Keely just stopped the motor and ended the demonstration,” said Mr. Binns.

“How did he stop the motor,” said Bertie.

“He rang the chime,” said Dawsey.

Bertie looked at the motor, then he looked at the plants, and then he looked back at Mr. Keely’s motor.

“Thank you for this most impressive demonstration of your motor! I believe that Mr. Keely will now accept some of your questions,” said the announcer.

“You are most welcome! I would be glad to entertain some questions.” Mr. Keely scanned the audience.

“You in the front. What would you like to know?” He smiled and winked at the woman in the front row with her hand up.

“Mr. Keely thank you for this superior demonstration of your ability to harness the power of the luminiferous ether that surrounds us all. Can you go into a little bit more detail and explain just what the ether is? What are the advantages of using it?” The questioner smiled back.

“An excellent question Mrs. Moore. The luminiferous ether is energy that surrounds us and is within us. If it could be properly harnessed, it would provide free energy to everyone on the planet. My vibratory engine is just a demonstration of what is possible,” said Mr. Keely.

“I barely understand what he is saying,” whispered Dawsey to Bertie.

“You are not alone. I do not understand it either. In fact, I do not think he understands it,” said Bertie. Dawsey smiled.

“You, young man, in the back. What is your name,” said Mr. Keely.

“Me? My name is Dawsey.” His knees were shaking.

“What would you like to know about my machine? Do you have any questions?”

Dawsey looked up at his father.

“Go ahead, answer the man,” said Mr. Binns

“I do not really have any questions. I do not understand most of what you said. But I do like the shiny balls that spin around.”

“Yes, you like the shiny balls.” Mr. Keely rolled his eyes. “I do not expect you to understand everything about my engine, few people do. But is there anything that you would like to know more about?”

“I have a question,” said Bertie. Dawsey looked relieved.

“Yes, certainly. What is your name,” said Mr. Keely

“My name is Bertie. I want to know more about how the chime stops the engine.”

“When I hit this chime the engine stops because the chime is tuned to a frequency that disrupts the etheric force potential field in such a way that energy from the ether is no longer available to be used,” said Mr. Keely.

“No, that is not what I was interested in,” said Bertie.

“Then what interest you?”

“I would like to know more about how the chime is used to signal to the man behind those two potted plants? Does he stop the machine the with a lever?”

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